Monday, October 11, 2010


Do the years that go by hold any significance? When I look back at the last two there sure have been significant happenings. Year 2008, my son came along, towards the end of 2009 I took the decision to take a new job and shift from Chennai to Coimbatore.

2008 ended a lot sooner than I expected and 2009 took its own sweet time. January 25, 2010 found myself in Coimbatore, away from friends but closer to family.

If I take it back a little longer then things look like  they were destined to happen. My mother tells me that at the age of one, I was in Coimbatore with my parents. I came to Coimbatore after my son turned a year, a month and four days. Coincidence I guess.

I really haven’t been keeping a good track of the years and the events that took place in each of them. Maybe it suited me better that way. All of a sudden I am so aware of each day. It is also seems a lot more meaningful, with purpose now than ever before, surreal as it may sound.

Every moment must count, as will then the years.

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