Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Of all that happens in relationships 'expectations' are by far the ones that set predicaments. They arise out of nowhere and sometimes for no reason. Aren’t always based on past experiences either. When they pop up, they are tricky and more often than not leave certain bitterness in the parties involved.

Not a day goes by when one isn’t faced with it. Everyday then becomes a struggle to meet or exceed, leading to a vicious circle of frustrations, ill feeling, regret and sometimes happiness. As with everything else that is difficult to handle, expectations can’t be made to go away. They are what keep the wheels running.

Those of us who have learnt to handle it to their advantage live an enriched life. The lesson to be learned is that we need to set the right ones in the first place. Having none could mean that we are like the frog in a well. Setting none in others could lead to a life that is less purposeful.

So here is to expectations, and to meeting them head-on.

Monday, October 11, 2010


Do the years that go by hold any significance? When I look back at the last two there sure have been significant happenings. Year 2008, my son came along, towards the end of 2009 I took the decision to take a new job and shift from Chennai to Coimbatore.

2008 ended a lot sooner than I expected and 2009 took its own sweet time. January 25, 2010 found myself in Coimbatore, away from friends but closer to family.

If I take it back a little longer then things look like  they were destined to happen. My mother tells me that at the age of one, I was in Coimbatore with my parents. I came to Coimbatore after my son turned a year, a month and four days. Coincidence I guess.

I really haven’t been keeping a good track of the years and the events that took place in each of them. Maybe it suited me better that way. All of a sudden I am so aware of each day. It is also seems a lot more meaningful, with purpose now than ever before, surreal as it may sound.

Every moment must count, as will then the years.